My Turn by Basement Jaxx

I like the bears.

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Redesigning the Stop Sign

This is what would happen if a corporation hired a designer to design the stop sign.

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The Age Old Battle Between Designers vs. Clients

This is pretty much spot on. Even good clients can say some of the things in the video.

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500 Colored Pencil Set

500 Colored Pencil Set has created a project where they created a set of 500 colored pencils. I guess there’s no need to blend anymore.

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Coder Girl

Tips For Organizing Image Files

Tips For Organizing Image Files

I read on an average day about 5-6 posts about web development, css, wordpress, etc. Something that I rarely see is posts about organizing your files. I think it’s partly due to the fact that most people have their own method of organization. It can be somewhat personal and there’s no definitive standard, but it is definitely needed when working on very large websites.

Inside Shepard Fairey’s Studio

Inside Shepard Fairey’s Studio

NotCot was invited to Obey Giant designer, Shepard Fairey’s studio. It is great to see the workplace of a talented and successful designer. You can see his inspirations and famous works lying around his studio.

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